Rescheduled Jan 2024 meeting

Our rescheduled January 2024 meeting of the Tri-County Amateur Radio Club will take place tomorrow, Tuesday, January 16, 2024 at 6:30 pm in the upstairs meeting room at the Dwight Foster Public Library, located at 209 Merchants Avenue in Fort Atkinson (map and directions). Given the snow last week, we took whatever we could get; that includes -14 degree weather and the smaller room.

For those of you who can’t make the meeting in person, we’ll also be on Zoom (Meeting ID: 468 502 4089, Passcode: 36061741) with a link to the meeting here: Link to Join Zoom Meeting.

Among the topics on the agenda (download a copy here) will be 2024 planning for events and committees, and approval of some long overdue changes to the Club Constitution and By-Laws presented at our last meeting. A ballot with a copy of the approved changes is available here and paper copies will be available at the meeting, if needed. If you can’t make the meeting but want your vote to count, simply return the ballot via mail or email, and your vote will be read into the official record. We need 2/3 of the TOTAL active membership — not just those present at the meeting — to approve the changes, so your vote matters. Please show up, or vote in advance! If you need information on how to vote if you can’t be there in person, check out this posting.

We’re also going to get organized for 2024. If there are events that you’d like to take part in planning (such as SwapFest, Field Day, Elections), drop a comment below or drop us an email and we’ll include you in the team.

Minutes for the November 2023 meeting are available here, Please reply with any errors or omissions or bring them along to the meeting.

See you tomorrow night!


Isn’t Wisconsin good at helping us stay flexible and open to change? By dumping snow on us when we least expect it? Yeah, sorry, that’s all the optimism you’ll get from me until the driveway is cleared!

Yes, it’s rare to hear to hear me tell you NOT to come to a TCARC meeting but, thanks to the incoming snow, the Foster Library announced that it was closing an hour ago, so we will NOT have a club meeting tonight. Yes, that’s correct: NO CLUB MEETING TONIGHT.

We’ve arranged for the upstairs meeting room next Tuesday, January 16th, at 6:30 pm, so same plan, just a week later.

Since some of you may have conflicts that prevent you attending the delayed meeting date, so here’s your chance to have your voice heard. First, we will discuss the Club’s activities for the year, including SwapFest, Field Day, Elections, Audit and more. If you’d like to serve in one of those roles, send an email message to the Club email (“TCARC (at)”) with the events/activities/duties you’d like to be part of, and we’ll make sure you are included.

As important, if you wish to weigh in on the changes to the Club Constitution and By-Laws, you can download a copy of the suggested changes here. If you won’t be able to make the rescheduled meeting, and wish to vote to accept or reject the changes we discussed at our last meeting, simply create a new mail message to the Club email, copy the ballot below into the body, fill in the information, and send it. We need two-thirds of our total membership to approve the changes, so it’s important for us to hear your thoughts, either in-person, or in advance of next week’s meeting.

Here’s the ballot form:


I, (print name)_____________________________, certify that I am an active member of the Tri-County Amateur Radio Club, Inc. and hereby submit my vote on the proposed Constitutional changes:


_____ I vote AYE to approve all of the proposed changes listed below.
_____ I vote NAY to reject all of the proposed changes listed below.
____ I wish to vote for each of the proposed changes individually, as shown for each item listed here: __ 1 | __ 2 | __ 3 | __ 4 | __ 5 | __ 6 | __ 7 | __ 8 | __ 9 | __ 10 | __ 11 | __ 12 | __ 13 | __ 14 | __ 15 | __ 16 | __ 17 | __ 18 | __ 19 |

If you choose the last option, just indicate if you are voting for or against each item. If we receive your vote by 6 PM on Tuesday, we’ll include it in the tally, under the terms of the old constitution.

Again, NO CLUB MEETING TONIGHT, but now a week from tonight, next Tuesday Jan 16th in the UPPER meeting room!

See you next Tuesday!

How do I vote for the changes?

There have been a number of questions about the upcoming changes to the Club constitution, so I wanted to answer some of those questions.

What are we changing?

To read what we approved for consideration, the changes are listed here and a ballot form is included. For those of you who would like to see the original, what is being removed, and what is being added, we have a “revision marked” file showing the modifications to the Constitution and By-Laws.

Why does my vote matter?

Under the terms of our current Club constitution, any changes have to be approved by a two-thirds majority of the current membership. That’s a problem when less than half of our current members attend an average meeting. We appreciate your support of amateur radio through your membership; making your position clear on the changes is one additional way you can support the Club.

How long do I have?

Votes from active members must be received by meeting time on January 9, 2024, to be considered, so if you don’t think that you’ll be able to attend the January meeting, please submit your vote by another means before January 9th.

I can’t make the January meeting. How do I vote?

There are three ways to vote. First, print out the ballot form and mail it to:
Tri-County Amateur Radio Club
PO Box 321
Fort Atkinson, WI 53538-0321

Alternately, if you wish to vote to accept all of the changes we discussed at our last meeting, simple send this message to the club email at TCARC (at)


I, (print name)_____________________________, certify that I am an active member of the Tri-County Amateur Radio Club, Inc. and hereby submit my vote on the proposed Constitutional changes:
_____ I vote AYE to approve all of the proposed changes listed below. 
_____ I vote NAY to reject all of the proposed changes listed below.
____ I wish to vote for each of the proposed changes individually, as shown underneath each item listed below. (If you pick this option, please list the items you wish to vote for or against individually here)

Signed (Your name): ________________________ Date: ______ Call Sign: _____

If you choose the last option, just list which items you are voting for or against. If we receive your vote by 6 PM on Tuesday, we’ll include it in the tally, under the old terms of the constitution.

Questions? Send me an email, or add a comment below, and I’ll do my best to answer.

Mike Zore (AE9MZ), Club Secretary

January 2024 Club Meeting

The next meeting for the Tri-County Amateur Radio Club will take place on Tuesday, January 9, 2023 at 6:30 pm in the Community Room (downstairs) at the Dwight Foster Public Library, located at 209 Merchants Avenue in Fort Atkinson (map and directions).

For those of you who can’t make the meeting in person, we’ll also be on Zoom (Meeting ID: 468 502 4089, Passcode: 36061741) with a link to the meeting here: Link to Join Zoom Meeting.

Among the topics on the agenda (download a copy here) will be 2024 planning for events and committees, and approval of some long overdue changes to the Club Constitution and By-Laws, that were presented at our last meeting. A ballot with a copy of the approved changes is available here and paper copies will be available at the meeting, if needed. If you can’t make the meeting but want your vote to count, simply return the ballot via mail or email, and you vote will be read into the official record. We need 2/3 of the TOTAL active membership — not just those present at the meeting — to approve the changes, so your vote matters. Please show up, or vote in advance!

Minutes for the November 2023 meeting are available here, Please reply with any errors or omissions or bring them along to the meeting.

See you next Tuesday!

2023 Christmas Party

Forget the agendas and Zoom credentials: next week is the TCARC Christmas Party, and we’re all about cookies, chips, pizza, and snacks! We’ll be meeting in the Community Room (downstairs) starting at 6:30 at the Dwight Foster Public Library, located at 209 Merchants Avenue in Fort Atkinson (map and directions). Join us to celebrate a year of acceptable propagation, good friends, and a great impact for good on Jefferson, Walworth and Rock counties!

For those of you who can’t make the party in person, we’ll post a picture of the tasty looking food online, so you’ll become jealous and will drive over to join into the fun. (Just kidding. If I did that, you’d see me chomping down on these mint chocolate chip cookies. Really, they all just evaporated. Really!)

If you’re coming, feel free to bring a a snack to share. The Club will be providing pizza, and beverages. Anything else that would be fun to munch on while having great conversations about our favorite hobby would be welcome.

Since I’m passing along bits of “digestive” news, let me also include some of the “supportive” kind as well. Please remember that member dues are due at the end of the year. Support the Club by updating your contact information and renewing online at or download the paper form and mail it — with your check — to PO Box 321, Fort Atkinson, WI 53538-0321. Email to the Club at if you have any questions. 2024 dues for the first Ham in a household are $10 with other family members getting the discounted rate of $5 each.

See you next Tuesday!

Reminder: Our next official meeting is at 6:30 pm on January 9, 2024.

Constitutional Changes

At our last Club meeting, we tackled some long-overdue updates to the TCARC Constitution and By-Laws, which were last changed in April of 1985. The dawn of 1985 opened in the era before email, websites, packet, APRS, AREDN, National Incident Management System (NIMS), ICS-213, heck, even before the Internet existed. In January, a first class stamp only set you back $0.20 (although it would rise later in the year). Back in this era, we had mandatory attendance to meetings AND events (or you could be dropped from membership), 5 member repeater committees (with four sub-committees!), and a requirement to physically mail minutes to every member (how else could they possibly get a copy? FAX?!?!?).

To bring us into the 21st Century (before it runs out), we voted for some changes at last night’s meeting. Under the terms of the current Constitution, at our next meeting we will vote to approve or reject these changes. Any active member of the Club is invited to vote, and we will need a 2/3 majority to approve. To read what we approved for consideration, the changes are listed here and a ballot form is included. For those of you who would like to see the original, what is being removed, and what is being added, we have a “revision marked” file showing the modifications to the Constitution and By-Laws. Votes from active members must be received by meeting time on January 9, 2024, to be considered, so if you don’t think that you’ll be able to attend the January meeting, please submit your vote by another means before January 9th.

If you have questions, please feel to drop a note to the Club email.

Mike Zore (AE9MZ)

November 2023 Meeting

The next meeting for the TCARC will be Tuesday, November 14, 2023 at 6:30 pm in the upstairs meeting room at the Dwight Foster Public Library, located at 209 Merchants Avenue in Fort Atkinson (map and directions).

For those of you who can’t make the meeting in person, we’ll also be on Zoom (Meeting ID: 468 502 4089, Passcode: 36061741) with a link to the meeting here: Link to Join Zoom Meeting.

Please remember that member dues are due at the end of the year. Support the Club by updating your contact information and renewing online at or download the paper form and mail it — with your check — to PO Box 321, Fort Atkinson, WI 53538-0321. Email to the Club at if you have any questions. Dues for the first Ham in a household are $10 with other family members getting the discounted rate of $5 each.

Among the topics on the agenda (download a copy here) will be planning for the Christmas Party, and — break out the English accents, powdered wigs, and quill pens — some long overdue changes to the Club Constitution and By-Laws. A copy of the suggested changes is available here and a copy of the current Constitution with markup indicating the changes to be discussed is available here. Paper copies will be available at the meeting, if needed.

Minutes for the October 2023 meeting are available here, Please reply with any errors or omissions or bring them along to the meeting.

See you next Tuesday!

Congratulations, Denny!

We would like to congratulate Denny (K9LGU) for being the first person to renew his 2024 Tri-County Amateur Radio Club membership. Denny even sent his renewal to the new Club PO Box (PO Box 321, Fort Atkinson, WI 53538): great job, Denny!

Now, thanks to his prompt action, I can no longer offer you immortality and fame as a trend-setter in this area but you can still get a year’s worth of informational programs, support for your Ham projects, and the camaraderie of being a member of the best ham Club service the Jefferson, Rock, and Walworth County areas simply by renewing. Plus, your membership supports our emergency communications efforts including weather nets and county emergency communication programs.

We’ve kept our membership prices at the same level for 2024: $10 for the first ham in the house and $5 for the significant others. That’s the same price as a Big Mac combo meal and this will last you for MUCH longer!

If you have been a member in 2023 and want an easy way to renew your 2024 membership, check out the resources at https:/ You’ll find a PDF copy of the membership form, as well as our Online Renewal tool which let’s you handle the whole process online with no muss, no fuss, and no $0.60 stamps.

Questions? Drop us an email at and we’ll get you on the fast track to having a good reason to celebrate the New Year!

October 2023 Club Meeting

The next meeting for the TCARC will be Tuesday, October 10, 2023 at 6:30 pm in the upstairs meeting room at the Dwight Foster Public Library, located at 209 Merchants Avenue in Fort Atkinson (map and directions).

For those of you who can’t make the meeting in person, we’ll also be on Zoom. Drop an email to to get the link, minutes of the last meeting, and the agenda for what we’ll cover during the meeting.

See you Tuesday!

Equipment available

At last night’s meeting, our club treasurer, Bob (N9ATB) announced that we’ve been asked to help find new homes for some equipment. If you have any interest in the items below, either drop an email to or contact Bob directly.

Here’s what was listed (with my apologies if I got any of the model numbers wrong!):

  • Astron RS-20M: The Astron RS-20M is a 13.8VDC Linear Power Supply with Meters and Anderson Power Poles, 20A Peak, 16A Continuous output.
  • ICOM IC-2350H: The Icom IC-2350H is a dual-band 2M / 70cm mobile radio and includes a HM-95 DTMF hand mic and OPC-346 DC power cable.
  • AST Audio EMCPU1-06 Speaker Set: Stereo powered desktop speakers
  • Realistic CB Radio: Operates on 40 unlicensed channels on the CB band.
  • ICOM IC-T2H: The Icom IC-T2H Sport is a single band 2 meter H.T. with up to 6 watts output power, which also receives ten weather channels. Includes BNC flexible antenna and BP-194 battery case which takes eight AA alkaline cells to power the unit. Size is 2.3 x 5.6 x 1.3 inches 14.8 oz (58x141x33mm 420g).

Drop the club an email if you are interested in any of the equipment.