We operate in south central Wisconsin to provide supplementary communications in times of emergency and to lend support to all Hams as they enjoy and develop the hobby.
Hams from Jefferson, Rock and Walworth Counties volunteer their talents and equipment to serve other agencies and the public to provide reliable communications for local emergencies, assist the National Weather Service during times of severe weather, as well as the Tour de Fort Bicycle Ride, Jefferson County Literacy Council Bike Ride, and Great Midwest Relay Race.
TCARC maintains a VHF repeater on 145.49 MHz, negative offset, with a CTCSS tone of 123.0.
Want to talk with about about joining into one of the area events, or just have a question? Email us at TCARC (at) W9MQB (dot) org and we’ll get right back to you.
TCARC sponsors an annual spring swap meet for amateur operators, computer enthusiasts, and the resourceful public at the Jefferson County Fairgrounds in Jefferson, Wisconsin. The Swapfest is an area tradition, bringing people from Illinois, Central, and South-Eastern Wisconsin.
Join us for Ham Fest 2025 on Sunday, March 16, 2025, from 8 AM through Noon.
Click here for the Fest Flyer or go to our live SwapFest page to buy discounted tickets, order tables to sell your stuff, or search to see what everyone is bringing! Admission is $8 in advance or $10 at the door, with around 100 tables of everything imaginable.
- Livonia (Michigan) Amateur Radio Club Swap FestThe Livonia (Michigan) Amateur Radio Club (http://www.livoniaarc.com) is having our Swap & Shop on Saturday, February 22, 2025 from 8am till 12pm at Ward Church, Knox Hall, 40000 Six Mile Road, Northville, MI 48168. Our swap flier and more information can be found on their swap page:…
- HamFest 2025 is coming – Sunday, March 16!Yes, it’s time for this area favorite to return, and we’re excited about what we’ve got to offer! First off, we’re excited to report that we’re holding prices steady this year, with $8 advance admission tickets available online here. We expect an even larger turnout this year…
- Technology IssuesAs you may have noticed, we’ve had an issue with our website for the last week or two, related to an inability to renew our SSL certificate. We were finally able to identify the cause of the blockage, so our site should be back to normal. If…
- MARA 2025The Madison Area Repeater Association 2025 Hamfest will take place on April26th, 2025, from 8 AM until noon. VE testing will start at 10 AM. Admission is $8 if purchased on the Club’s website and $10 per person at the door (cash only). Tables are $20 if…
- Lyons “FREE FEST”Looking for something to do with all of that unused gear in your basement? Or hoping to add more? The Lyons (WI) Free Fest, sponsored by the Lakes Area Radio Club (WI9ELK) and the Lakeshore Repeater Association (KR9RK), will take place on Saturday, June 8th, from 6…
- Swap Fest ResultsAt our Club meeting tonight, we reviewed the results of the 2024 Tri-County SwapFest. All in all, the news was very, very good. We sold out on our planned tables (adding 4 extra that morning), with 91 vendor tables sold, and had an official attendance of 426.…
- Ozaukee Radio Club’s 44th Spring SwapfestThe Ozaukee Radio Club presents its 44th Annual Spring Indoor Amateur Radio, Electronics & Computer SWAPFEST featuring TOWER ELECTRONICS, Saturday, April 27, 2024 from 8 AM to 12 PM at the Ascension Columbia St. Mary’s Center (Milwaukee Curling Club), W67 N890 Washington Ave., in Cedarburg, WI. Vendor…
- Um… what’s a SwapFest?Quick Links for this story: So, what is a SwapFest? You might be new to Amateur Radio, so let me introduce you to the idea of a SwapFest. Most are short, half-day events, but some national events (such as the Dayton HamVention) can last for several days.…
- Madison Area Repeater Association 2024 HamfestThe Madison Area Repeater Association 2024 Hamfest will be on April13th and features vendors of new and used equipment for Amateur Radio, Electronics, Computers, computer parts and software. Come their huge Flea Market in the Mandt Community Center’s spacious 26,000 sq ft main hall. VE testing starts…
- FREE Club tableAs a Club, we know that this is a difficult time for many ham clubs. The costs of running a swapfest or repeater increase every year but the funds we have to work with don’t. It’s hard to keep current members, as many move to new digs…
The “Frequency of Knowledge” Net is held every Monday evening at 8:00pm. This net is open to all amateur operators.
On Wednesday evenings the Jefferson County ARES/RACES Net is held at 8:00pm. All amateur operators are encouraged to participate in this net.
2 Meter AM gatherings at 8:00PM on most evenings – except on Fridays. If you have either new equipment or vintage equipment capable of AM look for us on 144.144Mhz around 8:00PM.
Club Meetings On The Air
Club meetings are held monthly (except June, July, August) on the second Tuesday of the month. 2024 dates include: Jan 16, Feb 13, Mar 13, Apr 9, May 14, (June 22-23, Field Day) Sep 10, Oct 8, Nov 12, and Dec 10. Our June “meeting” will be our Field Day activities on June 22nd and 23rd at the Watertown Airport.
Due to Covid restrictions, in 2020, we moved our meetings from the Fort Atkinson Police Department to the the Dwight Foster Public Library, 209 Merchants Ave, in Fort Atkinson at 6:30 p.m. We offer an online option for those of you who can’t make our meetings in person, via Zoom or Jitsi. Check the posts above for the meeting for the next meeting, or join or mailing list to have the details sent to you each month. Check in and join into the fun!
Check the News Feed above for updates if our in-person meetings are cancelled.
You are always welcome to join in! Yearly dues are $10 per person or $15 per family. Download a membership form or pay online here.
Want to keep up with all of the fun? Join out monthly mail list.
Keep up with the fun!
Sign up for our monthly mail list! Don’t worry about getting a bunch of junk: typically, we send around 3 messages a month. We send out a reminder about our monthly meeting a week before and a day before, and will pass along other news of interest about once a month. Want to leave the list? Each message has a link to allow you to unsubscribe whenever you wish.
Get started here: